Personal Training
My Personal training services focus on your exact goals and accommodate your schedule or location preferences. Our first session together involves a detailed movement screen, assessments, and discussions about your preferences. I develop an individualized training program based on your experience, physical capabilities, lifestyle, and needs. I have worked with clients of all walks of life, men and women of all ages and abilities. My clients include individuals over the age of 80, injured military veterans, people looking to improve their golf game, as well as college-level and professional athletes. I look forward to helping you reach your goals. Personal training rates range from $105-$125/hr.
Semi-Private Training
Semi-Private training takes place from 630am-830am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sign-ups are required, however, each client can come and go on a flexible schedule with no more than 4 clients starting in the same 15-minute time block. I develop an individualized program for each client, but you will have the benefit of training in a community environment. The program can be started on the 1st or 15th of every month. I believe in the long-term approach to training to ensure lifelong fitness. Rotational Power and Strength is the only gym in the area that comes with a money back guarantee. If you are not happy with your results after following the training program, I will personally refund you!
RPS 1 Foundations Of Fitness
I want to share with you a foundational golf fitness program that can help you get started on your golf fitness journey. This program is designed to lay the groundwork for your fitness journey and help you improve your performance on the golf course.
RPS High School Athlete Training
RPS Semi-private classes run on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 430pm-6pm. Each athlete has an individualized program formulated for him/her, while simultaneously training and competing in a team environment. The program can be started on the 1st or 15th of every month.
Junior sport is ever-evolving. Adding a responsible, optimized and engaging training program plus environment to your child’s life is the best way to give them a head start in their athletic careers. The task of building a fundamentally strong and proud athlete is a task that I take very seriously, and I look forward to shaping the next generation of athletes and their characters.